Very tall buildings are built for many different purposes. Here are some of them:
- Space saving: Tall buildings make use of limited land space in densely populated cities, allowing them to accommodate more people. In this way, the need for housing, which is increasing with the population growth in cities, can be met.
- More space for workplace and commercial activities: Tall buildings provide more space for commercial activities such as office and retail space. This allows more people to work and do business.
- Image and prestige: Some tall buildings are built to enhance the image and prestige of a company or organization because of their architectural design and visual impact.
- Tourism and commerce: Some high-rise buildings are built to attract tourists and develop the tourism sector. For example, the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, is a major factor in attracting tourists to Dubai.
- Climate control Tall buildings can be designed to control air flow and provide better ventilation. This makes the people living in the building more comfortable, especially in hot climates.
However, the construction of high-rise buildings brings with it some challenges. These challenges include issues such as building costs, structural durability, fire safety, energy efficiency and environmental issues. Therefore, the construction of high-rise buildings is not always an easy decision and many different factors must be taken into account.